In order to intentionally have, be or do something, humans need to UNDERSTAND it first. We all know what is “milk” or “grass”, but when it comes to “belief”, “authentic” or “happiness”, it’s difficult to define and seems to be different for everybody.
Below is the set of definitions that simplify complex concepts, often subject of confusion.
1. a very large quantity of something; plentifulness. 2. a state of overflow or ample sufficiency; more than enough
1. a conscious use of skill and creative imagination, to produce something beautiful 2. a creation of something by one human that creates change in another (credit Seth Godin) 3. the use of bravery, insight, creativity, and boldness to challenge the status quo (credit Seth Godin)
Authentic person
/ɔːˈθɛntɪk ˈpɜːsən/
1. a person that behaves aligned with his/her beliefs, values and goals 2. a person that does not betray himself/herself to comfort expectations of others, or to follow instructions of others under pressure
1. knowledge or perception of a situation or fact 2. a concern about and well-informed interest in a particular situation or development
1. an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof 2. the opposite of knowing 3. a generalised opinion that something is true based on at least one occurence of something, often bias
1. a tendency to favor one person, group, thing, or viewpoint over another, often in a way considered to be unfair or untrue 2. systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others
mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual, often related to integrity
1. the totality of thoughts, feelings, and impressions of which a person is aware at any given time 2. the condition of being awake and aware of one’s self and/or the environment
1. the use of imagination to create something; inventiveness 2. a survival skill that uses imagination to find solutions to problems
1. a process or a result of assembling some elements together in a whole 2. a constructive critique of the existing (methods, strategies, theories, and ideologies)
1. a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal 2. an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy
1. training subjects to obey rules using punishment or some negative experience 2. doing what needs to be done instead of what we would like to do at the moment
a structure of beliefs, values and decisions that makes person’s “self”
1. a practice of caring more about one’s own interests, welfare, and needs than those of others 2. an ethical theory that treats self-interest as the foundation of morality
a situation where individual is unable to fully comprehend or imagine a feeling, concept, or experience until they have personally encountered it
a situation where individual is unable to fully comprehend or imagine a feeling, concept, or experience until they have personally encountered it
1. a dream with a deadline (credit Tony Robbins) 2. a specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound objective that one strives to achieve
Guru (गुरु)
1. a teacher, a guide or mentor in a particular field, often admired for their knowledge and wisdom 2. a dispeller of darkness, where darkness – Gu – refers to ignorance, and Ru – dispeller
1. the fact of being who or what a person or thing really is (objective identity) 2. a set of beliefs, values, behaviors, facts that person express after “I am ________”, believing it’s true, even if sometimes it’s not (subjective identity) 3. set of masks that person wears so long that he/she identifies with it, believing it’s who he/she really is
1. the state of being undivided 2. being authentic and holding strong moral principles in the same time for a longer period of time
1. the state of being undivided 2. being authentic and holding strong moral principles in the same time for a longer period of time
1. the state of being undivided 2. being authentic and holding strong moral principles in the same time for a longer period of time
1. an acquisition of knowledge or skills 2. change of behavior (credit – Alex Hormozi)
1. a continuous process in which an entity grows, develops, discovers itself and others, learns 2. an experience of being 3. an ability to have conscious, intelligent responses to random events
1. Figuring out what to do in the meantime (credit – Alex Hormozi) 2. the process of identifying and interpreting sensory information in order to understand the self and/or the environment
1. a mental impression or insight gained from the use of the senses 2. the process of identifying and interpreting sensory information in order to understand the self and/or the environment
1. the combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character, including behaviors, thoughts, and emotions 2. a set of traits and behaviours that makes a person different and unique from others
a set of defined steps to achieve a specific goal
1. deciding someone’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (choices) in advance 2. defining the order of events in advance, usually with some conditional logic implemented
a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgment, skills, worth, and decision-making capabilities
/ˌsɛlf ɪˈstiːm/
1. a person’s subjective evaluation of their own value and worth 2. a person’s self-respect based on their subjective opinion on how well they match their own self-image
/ˌsɛlf aɪˈdiːəl/
1. an idealized version of oneself that a person aspires to become 2. a mental image of the perfect self, which serves as a standard for personal development
/ˌsɛlf ˈɪmɪdʒ/
1. a person’s perception of their own current physical, mental, and spiritual state 2. a person’s perception of their appearance, abilities, and personality
allocating limited resources over unlimited options in a way to achieve a specific goal while applying a specific plan (order of steps)
1. a quality that includes the essential human virtues of compassion and humanity; often summarized as “I am because we are” 2. a philosophical concept originating from the Nguni Bantu languages of Southern Africa, a sense of shared identity and mutual caring for all within a community, fostering relationships built on mutual respect and support
the principle that all beings and the environment are interconnected, and that actions affecting others and the planet also affect oneself and future generations